Purpose built brick stable with rubber matting.
Livery services
Full , Part or 5 Day Part
Includes :-
Stable with rubber matting.
Hay or Haylage.
Two feeds per day.
Stable mucked out.
Turn out and catch in. (Horse walker if weather to wet for turn out)
All rug changes Feet picked out and hosed if needed.
Tack cleaning.
Horse groomed.
Use of all facilities.
7 Day Part:
Includes :-
Stable with rubber matting.
Hay or Haylage.
Two feeds per day.
Stable mucked out.
Turn out and catch in. (Horse walker if weather to wet for turn out)
All rug changes Feet picked out and hosed if needed.
Use of all facilities.
5 Day Part:
Stable with rubber matting.
Hay or Haylage.
Two feeds per day.
Use of all facilities.
Monday to Friday
Stable mucked out.
Turn out and catch in. (Horse walker if weather to wet for turn out)
All rug changes Feet picked out and hosed if needed.
Feed: - chop, Alfa A, pony and horse nuts, beet in winter, hay or haylage up to 10lb per day.