New Baby's
Easter fun day
Night out for Lee's birthday. At last born in the day in the field Fe Mi Amor. Fe 3 days old. Razzi now 3 days late Duc Mi Amor Z about one hour old
Duc is out of Ady z and Duc De Moyon Z he was born 26/06/07
Duc 4 days old. Templel Wren and Besos Mi Amor first baby of the year. Besos about one hour old. Born in the field. 12 days early. Besos filly foal by Randi born 10/06/07 Besos first night. Besos now 16 ays old All out together.
Missing Pieces (toby) age 2
Azizi new arrivals Bubbles Razzi Wren & Ady z all in foal Derek & Uppy
Daise & Dottie age one week. alittle older Night out Peggy's birthday.
New Arrivals Orlando 31 inch stallion (Limelight Sunset Boulevard)
Star & Blue Bell 33 & 32 inches broodmare. We are looking forwards to seeing foals from them & Orlando. Robin & his mum Wren
Ady Z (broodmare) we look forward to seeing her foal next year. Night out for Derek's birthday